Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Good Week

We've had a fairly good week this week in terms of ultrasounds and our visit with the midwives. We even made it to UNC on Tuesday and got to do a private hospital tour to see where we'll be delivering. It's a pretty typical hosptial (other than the fact that it's located right on UNC's campus, boo), but it was good to get somewhat familiar with it and not feel like we were overwhelmed by the immensity of it (like we did the first time we were there).

We had our ultrasound on Monday, and other than waiting an hour before being seen, they said baby boy still looks good. We saw proof that, yes, he is still a boy, and all his vitals looked good too. They even gave us some pictures on a cd this time, which is nice. They said he is still swimming in a pretty big swimming pool, and his pool has actually gotten a little larger since last week. Nothing to necessarily be concerned about, it just means my belly is STILL getting bigger.

We saw the midwives on Tuesday, and that was a good visit too. Little Man's heartbeat was great, my uterus actually measured an inch or two smaller than last week (which doesn't mean too much since each midwife measures slightly differently anyway), and I might have actually lost a pound of weight. Not really sure, because they said the scale was measuring off, but I'm not really worried about it because I haven't even gained 30 pounds yet this pregnancy.

Good news in the blood sugar department this week. My numbers were reading so good that the midwife told me I only need to take measurements twice a day now! Yay! I've had a small handful of high readings (maybe four or five?), but all my fasting readings have been great. They said that the fasting ones are the ones that are really important, so they are very happy with my numbers. Yay for only pricking my finger twice a day now!

The other potentially good news is that there is a procedure that we could look into doing in which they actually remove some amniotic fluid from my belly. This would not only make me more comfortable, but it could also help trigger labor. The midwife said that sometimes, if a woman has too much fluid, it can actually prevent her stomach from having effective contractions. (I think maybe this is what happened with Kayligrace - hence having extra fluid, going two weeks overdue, and still having to be induced.) So we are hoping to talk to the OB/GYN who does our next ultrasound about possibly having this done. I've been having fairly regular Braxton-Hicks contractions (fake or practice contractions) for quite a while now, and lately they've felt stronger but have still never amounted to anything. I'm hoping we can have this done and then go into labor soon thereafter! Wouldn't that be exciting?! If you're praying for us, please pray for wisdom in making this decision and that I would go into labor without having to be induced this go round.

Well, that's all I've got for this week, but I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you know that we are thankful for you! Thank you for your continued prayers!

Profile shot
 3D: Look at that adorable nose!

 And those huge cheeks - already!

1 comment:

scpilgrim said...

Thanks for your blogs, Beth.
You are in our prayers.
Ben Sloan, LMPC