Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dinner Music

Eating with Kayligrace is always a treat. This is a clip of some of her (in)famous "music" at the dinner table.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Kayligrace

One. Whole. Year.
I never could have imagined what it has been like.
The tears, the unimaginable joy, the laughter and giggles, the snuggles, the fun.
What a gift our precious baby girl has been.

I made a Panda Bear cake for her birthday party. It was a lot of work. Jaimie, here are your pictures. :)

Nana brought balloons!

strawberry lemonade punch

After presents we had cake...

First, she put her fingers in it.

Then, her face.

The rest was history.

Way to make Mommy proud!