Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On the Road Adventures

Today we got locked out of our car. Okay...so the truth is that I locked us out of the car. But other than that and some rush hour traffic in St. Louis, Missouri, it has been a pleasant day. The weather's hot and we're not in Bellingham anymore, but I don't think we're used to it yet...we still chose to walk to the nearest grocery store this afternoon instead of driving with the AC on. But anyway, here are some pictures of Kayligrace. (Most of them aren't from our trip - that memory card is still in the camera!)

Kayligrace's first cook out! (The folks up in Washington would have wanted to call it a barbeque, but we know better!)

Kayligrace in blue jeans!

Naptime with Daddy.

Working with Daddy.

And the most beautiful smile of all.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Stole Dad's Camera

These are some pictures that Mom took on Dad's camera.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Spring Picnic

Our XA group baptized 19 students at our Spring Picnic. Afterwards, we "barbequed," which is a northwest way of saying "cook out." I spent some time with Kayligrace on the swing set:

Grandparents are here!

Grandmama and Grandaddy (and Mrs. Patterson) pulled in yesterday. They're here to help us pack up and move back, which means they argue over who gets to hold Kayligrace while Beth and I pack boxes.

I took a few pictures on my phone:

Friday, June 5, 2009

A New Swing

In taking care of Kayligrace, we quickly realized that swinging motions were soothing to her.

After having sore arms for about a week, we figured it was time to make life easier. A friend found an automated swing on Craigslist and we jumped on it. Behold, our new swing!

All three of us are loving this new addition. Our original plan had been to sale it or give it away before leaving Bellingham. I'm afraid it's become so invaluable that we'll be bringing it all the way back with us!

About the video below

I realized that I posted the following video without commenting at all. (Such is my sleep-deprived state.) It's an interview that I did with Kayligrace. She talks (yes, she talks!) about some of her life's passions. It's deep. Enjoy.

A Video for Grandaddy

This is my first attempt at uploading a video to our website, so I apologize if things aren't working properly. Grandaddy has been on my case for the past month about updating the blog. He's actually reached the point where he is withholding important information in order to force my hand. I gotta give him a break, though, he's the only immediate family member who hasn't met our beautiful daughter. From what I hear, Mom taunts him about it every day.