Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Update

On Friday, I went to the birth center to get trained in how to use my glucose meter and test my blood sugar. The finger prick didn't hurt as much as I had expected, but it definitely surprises me every time. They told me to start recording my blood sugar readings on Saturday. I do a fasting blood sugar first thing when I wake up, and then another reading 1 hour after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. On Saturday, all my readings were well below the troublesome range, but today I've had two high readings. We'll see what the next couple of days show.

After the birth center appointment, I had an appointment with a registered dietician. She gave me some pointers on what my diet should look like at this point, and I was pleasantly surprised with how little she actually wanted me to change. Most of her suggestions incorporated eating different types of foods together rather than cutting things out altogether. (She said that this helps with keeping your blood sugar from jumping too high too quickly because it helps you digest the simpler sugars more slowly.) Now, unfortunately, that doesn't apply to sweets and desserts, but I can live without those for a couple of weeks.

I also started taking evening primrose oil yesterday. Supposedly, this can help prep the cervix so that maybe my body will go into labor a little earlier. I'm not opposed to it, but it's really up to the Lord. We'll just have to wait and see.

As far as how we are doing overall, I'd say we are doing really well. We have adjusted to the change and have realized that there is really nothing for us to worry about. Whether we deliver on the 19th or not, I don't really care anymore. (Of course, I'd love to meet this little man whenever the Lord decides to give him to us!) Even if I go to the full 40 weeks (or more), I fully believe that my body is designed for this and that I can birth a big baby. Period. I'm beginning to wonder why everyone at the birth center got so worked up about him being big, but all this fuss will only last a few more weeks at most, and then I just get to love on my baby boy.

Won't that be a glorious day?

 37 weeks, 1 day

 My precious baby girl.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Beautiful Mommy! Beautiful babies!!! Can't wait for Junior!!