Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On the Road Adventures

Today we got locked out of our car. Okay...so the truth is that I locked us out of the car. But other than that and some rush hour traffic in St. Louis, Missouri, it has been a pleasant day. The weather's hot and we're not in Bellingham anymore, but I don't think we're used to it yet...we still chose to walk to the nearest grocery store this afternoon instead of driving with the AC on. But anyway, here are some pictures of Kayligrace. (Most of them aren't from our trip - that memory card is still in the camera!)

Kayligrace's first cook out! (The folks up in Washington would have wanted to call it a barbeque, but we know better!)

Kayligrace in blue jeans!

Naptime with Daddy.

Working with Daddy.

And the most beautiful smile of all.

1 comment:

Meghann T said...

She is so incredibly precious!