Thursday, March 5, 2009

Baby's "First" Wedding

We went to a wedding last weekend, and Baby made her first wedding appearance! (Actually, she went to a wedding back in July, but we didn't realize it at the time, haha.) We thought we'd share some of our pictures, especially since we got Steven into a tie!

The doctors are still saying everything looks good...we're just playing the waiting game at this point. They're saying that since I have a little bit of extra amniotic fluid, I might not go into labor naturally, but we'll just cross that bridge when we get there. It could be any day now!


Meghann T said...

hey! she was at a wedding in December too!!! Beth you look beautiful, as always. Looking forward to meeting that beautiful little girl that's in there!

Beth said...

Oh! How could I forget that wedding? She was actually in it! (Maybe that's the difference...this was the first time she simply attended a wedding!)

Meghann T said...

lol...ok we'll give you that.