Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Sleepin'

We have walked in to check on Kayligrace a couple of times and found her in some adorable positions. Here are some of our recent finds.

This was right before Steven and I went to bed, but that belly was so hard to resist!

We were trying so hard not to die laughing when we found this one! I mean, how did she even pull this off?

We went in to get her up after her nap one day and found that she had somehow gotten all these books into her crib and was doing a bit of extracurricular reading. No wonder we hadn't heard her sooner!


Kamille said...

too cute. I'm always amazed at how far their reach can extend at times like this.

austin and kayti said...

I'm a little concerned about your friend "Villalobos"... hmm

anyway... those pictures are way adorable! haha The one with her butt in the air is so classic.