Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

So September 27th was my (Beth) dad's birthday, and it also happened to mark 16 weeks! Here are some pictures to commemorate both.

If this baby is a girl, how fitting could this shirt be! (And isn't it funny how some shirts make you look much more pregnant than others?)

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

15 Weeks

September 21 marked my being 15 weeks along, so here are some more pictures of the belly!

We're getting a bit of a pooch, but walking down the street, it's not yet obvious that I'm pregnant. It looks more like I'm just gaining weight (at least that's what I think). :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Ultrasound Pictures

We went to the doctor again on September 17, and they did another ultrasound. They used this one to determine a due date - March 15, 2009! They printed out 5 different pictures for us, so we're going to share them with you! (The quality isn't all that great, though, because I had to take pictures of the pictures.)

This is a picture of the baby's head and face. You can see the brain and the eyes! (Okay, so it makes him/her look kind of like an alien...albeit, a cute alien.)

This is the baby with its hand up to its mouth. Maybe he or she is even sucking their thumb!

Here you can see the little white arrow pointing to the baby's hand. You can already see each individual finger!

Here you can see the baby's profile - nose, mouth, and everything!

In this one the baby stretched out its neck a little bit for us. It makes for another great profile shot - what a cute nose! I wonder whose nose it'll look like?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our Other Babies

So it's been a while since many of you have seen our other babies, so we thought we'd post a couple pictures of them too!

Remember Fidget? She's still as curious as ever! We let her wander around on our apartment floor the other night, and she was quite the little explorer!

And Snickers, too! He's just as cuddly and sweet as ever. He's not as interested in wandering, but he sure does love a good carrot!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We're Pregnant!

Okay, so probably all of you reading this blog already know we're pregnant, but we had to make something the title, now didn't we?

My dear sister Casey has requested a picture every week so that she can keep track of how my belly is growing, but don't worry...we won't put pictures of me up here every week. But we will give you a few every now and then, as well as try to get copies of our ultrasound pictures up here. So here's your first dose:

These were our first ultrasound pictures taken on September 4. This was the first time that we actually got to see Baby inside, and it was so thrilling! We saw his/her heartbeat, and we even got a foot kick!

This is me on September 7 at exactly 13 weeks - the end of the first trimester! My shirt is a bit deceiving; it makes me look a bit bigger than I think I really was. But hey, now you've seen me!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Road Trip 2008

So we're a bit behind in our posting, so I'm going to try to play catch up for a bit. The first item on the agenda is our road trip from the Carolinas back out to Washington this past August. So here are a few highlights and pictures from our trip!

This is a gorgeous sunset we viewed one night at Lake Vermillion Recreation Area just outside of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We were able to camp right on the water, and although it was extremely windy, we had a great view!

One of our main goals was to travel through Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming. We drove through there last year but didn't get to stop and look around much. This is such a gorgeous area, and we're already ready to go back again!

We also found the best campsite in the world in the Bighorn NF! It was right next to this stream/river that you see below, and it was such a perfect spot!!!

This was our first campfire, and we were so excited about it! Check out how big that piece of wood is!!! Haha, it lasted us all night. (Also, check out for real how close our campsite was to this river. It was beautiful music to fall asleep to!)

This was pretty funny too...we even got to pump our own water! It was freezing cold, though, so every time we'd finish pumping, we had to run over to the fire to warm our hands back up!

Okay, that's all for our trip. We had a great time, but we were definitely ready to be out of the car by the time we got to Bellingham!